Forest Management

ABOUT forest management

We are one of the leading advocates of tree planning in Nigeria.

This is evident with our effective “cut one plant three“ policy. We know the environmental, social and economic importance of trees hence the need to partner with the Association of Charcoal Exporters of Nigeria (ACEN). We are a very active member of ACEN, and we are working towards achieving sustainable forest management goals together.

ACEN´s aggressive afforestation and reforestation projects across the nation is aimed at having a properly managed forest for the sustainability of the environment and the charcoal business.

The pilot scheme was in Oyo and Kwara state which saw about 1000 hectares of land being planted on in 2018. This planting is being overseen and managed by Forestry Reserve Institute of Nigeria (FRIN).



Teaming up with nation-wide organizations has helped us gain more recognition for the work that we do.


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